Chris Barrey

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A quick visit to Carlsbad Flower Fields

 If you are not from the area, one of the very first things that might come to mind when someone mentions Carlsbad, after Legoland, and the beaches,  is the world famous Flower Field. As someone who lives here, on the other hand, the flower field is something you might drive by on a daily basis, see out of your peripheral vision , and not give a second thought. This was the case for me, up until last week, when my wife and I finally stopped in for a visit
The fields have been a staple of the Carlsbad community for over sixty years, and are comprised of around 50 acres of Ranaculas...If you are anything like me, and have zero knowledge of flowers, other than my wife's favorite type (peonies), all you need to know is that ranaculas are large and colorful.  The flowers are grown to sell of course, but the owners of the flower fields figured out that the could attract people to their

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My Real Estate Journey Thus Far : An Introduction

 Hello Ladies, Gents, and Animal Friends. This is my very first blog post, for my Real Estate business, and, in fact, first ever. So, I thought it would be logical to make the my initial post, an introduction to myself, and a shortened version of how I ended up here, and why. Up until now, i've kept most of my work in Real Estate pretty private, posting the occiasional picture of a house I sold, or a project I finished, but, in my current position, it makes more sense to become a more public figure, and put it all on the table, so, here goes
 My Initial foray into Real Estate began with my very first job out of College. UC Santa Cruz. Go Banana Slugs! The year was 2008, and the market had just began to take a proverbial crap.  Decent employment, for someone with little work experience, was hard to come by. Fittingly enough, my first paid position was a direct result of the economic

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